Car Rental Roadside Assistance | Avis Rent a Car

Car Rental Roadside Assistance

Plan ahead for peace of mind.

Plan ahead for peace of mind.

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{{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.firstName}} {{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.lastName}}
{{vm.customer.firstName}} {{vm.customer.lastName}}
{{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.firstName}} {{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.lastName}}
msg.res.benefitsApplied,avis {{couponCount}}
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Nota: Las tarifas se calculan con base en los detalles que usted proporcione. Algunas modificaciones pueden cambiar su tarifa, de ser así, volverá aparecer la página Selección de vehículos.

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Extended-Roadside-Assistance Details

Plan ahead for peace of mind.

  • Lockout Service - Gain entry when keys are locked inside the vehicle. Get replacement keys or locksmith assistance.
  • Flat Tire Assistance & Replacement - We'll replace a flat or damaged tire with the spare, or get the car towed to the nearest service facility.
  • Jump Start - If your vehicle experiences battery failure, we'll provide a jump start.
  • Fuel Delivery - if you run our of gas/fuel, we’ll deliver 3 gallons (in US/CA) or up to $10 fuel delivery (in AU/NZ) to your location.

For the ultimate safe driving experience, add Extended Roadside Assistance to your reservation.

In the unlikely event of operational difficulty or unexpected emergency, you want reliable service fast - especially helpful when you're in an unfamiliar city. With Extended Roadside Assistance, you will get fast, reliable emergency road hazard assistance.

To access Extended Roadside Assistance 24/7,

  • In US/Canada call 800-354-2847
  • In Australia call 1800 063 973
  • In New Zealand call 0800 652 847


Make a reservation with Extended Roadside Assistance already selected.