at Elliott Square Shopping Center

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Elliott Square Shopping Center (QU0)


233 S Elliott Rd,
Chapel Hill, NC, 27514, United States


(1) 919-951-7546

Horario de servicio:

Sun 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM; Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Sat 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Holiday Hours:

EASTER   April  20  closed
MEMORIAL DAY   May  26  08:00AM - 04:00PM
INDEPENDENCE DY   July  4  08:00AM - 04:00PM
LABOR DAY   September  1  08:00AM - 04:00PM
THANKSGIVING   November  27  closed
CHRISTMAS EVE   December  24  08:00AM - 04:00PM
CHRISTMAS DAY   December  25  closed
NEW YEARS EVE   December  31  08:00AM - 04:00PM

NEW YEARS DAY   January  1  closed

Additional Travel Information

Bradley International Airport serves the city of Hartford, Connecticut, and the surrounding areas known as Hartford County. It’s located about 20 minutes north of the city on I91, and Avis’s line-up of quality Bradley International Airport rental cars will make the drive easy. It includes compacts and convertibles for students, midsize airport car rentals and SUVs for the business crowd, and minivans for families. You can pick up the Avis Car Rental shuttle just outside each of the airport’s terminals. From there, it’s a quick ride to the Avis Hartford airport car rentals facility.

Hartford has been nicknamed “Insurance Capital of the World” because of the number of insurance companies headquartered here. It's common for people to fly here for the day from New York, Boston and Philadelphia for meetings. Add to this that Bradley airport is mixed use, civilian and military, which brings in a whole other set of visitors, and BDL Car Rental companies are often busier than you might expect it to be for a city of Hartford’s size. That’s never a problem at Avis, where you can accelerate your travel experience with Avis Preferred, a complimentary membership that allows you to skip the line and go straight to your car.

Información sobre la oficina
Servicio Preferred
Diríjase al mostrador de alquiler de Avis. Muestre su licencia de conducir e identifíquese como Cliente Preferred ante el agente de alquiler de Avis para recibir sus documentos preimpresos de alquiler y las llaves.
Direcciones generales
La oficina está ubicada en S Elliott Drive entre Fordham Blvd y E Franklin St. Estamos ubicados en el Elliott Square Shopping Center, junto a Chapel Hill Eyecare.
VEHÍCULOS: En el sitio.
DEVOLUCIONES: Igual que el retiro.
DEVOLUCIONES FUERA DEL HORARIO DE SERVICIO: No disponible. El vehículo de alquiler se debe devolver durante el horario de oficina.

Terms and Conditions

Sábado Mar 15
 – Domingo Mar 16
Marzo 2025
Abril 2025
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