Alquilar un coche at Stromstad

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Número de Wizard de Avis *
{{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.firstName}} {{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.lastName}}
{{vm.customer.firstName}} {{vm.customer.lastName}}
{{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.firstName}} {{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.lastName}}
msg.res.benefitsApplied,avis {{couponCount}}
Códigos de descuento {{couponCount}}*
Códigos de descuento {{couponCount}}*
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* Opcional

Nota: Las tarifas se calculan con base en los detalles que usted proporcione. Algunas modificaciones pueden cambiar su tarifa, de ser así, volverá aparecer la página Selección de vehículos.

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Stromstad (SD0)


Br Bil Ab,
Gralosvagen 38, Skee, XX, 452 60, Sweden


(46) 0526-60330

Horario de servicio:

Mon - Fri 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Holiday Hours:

CHRISTMAS   December  24 - December  26  closed
NEW YEAR   December  31 - January  1  closed

EPIPHANY   January  6  closed

Información sobre la oficina
Devolución fuera de horas laborales
Estacione el vehículo y ciérrelo con seguro. Coloque el contrato y las llaves en el buzón. Recuerde llevarse sus pertenencias personales.

Términos y condiciones


Coberturas Opcionales


¿Qué productos reducen el monto que puedo tener que pagar si el vehículo se daña durante el alquiler?

Si tiene una Póliza de exoneración en caso de daños por colisión (CDW) y el vehículo, las llaves, cualquier accesorio o cualquier documento del vehículo se dañan, el monto que podría ser responsable de pagar por el daño se reducirá a no más que el exceso establecido en su contrato de alquiler, lo que significa que pagará por el costo de reparación o reemplazo, o el exceso, el que sea menor, por cada incidente en caso de daño, más un cargo de procesamiento de NOK 390.00. Si puede demostrar que el daño de ninguna manera fue su culpa o debido a su negligencia, le reembolsaremos estos costos. Si puede demostrar que el daño fue menor que lo que dijimos, le reembolsaremos la diferencia. Si usted es un consumidor, es decir, una persona física que actúa principalmente con fines que se clasifican fuera del alcance de las actividades comerciales, y si puede hacer que sea probable que el daño o la pérdida no fuera su culpa ni se deba a negligencia, usted no es responsable de ningún costo.
¿Cuánto es el exceso?

El exceso será de 7500.00 SKR. Para reducir el exceso aún más, puede comprar un producto de reducción de exceso.
¿Cómo obtengo la Exoneración en caso de daños?

En la mayoría de los casos, la Exoneración en caso de daños se proporciona con el vehículo como norma. Si está incluida, se indicará en su contrato de alquiler y en su confirmación por correo electrónico de la reserva. Si no se incluye, el precio depende del vehículo que alquile y del lugar donde lo alquile. Pero puede esperar que cueste entre SEK 40.00 y SEK 110.00 al día.

¿Hay algún producto de reducción de exceso disponible para reducir mi exceso aún más?

Sí, Súper exoneración en caso de daños por colisión (SCDW) es un producto de reducción de exceso que reduce su exceso a cero. El precio depende del vehículo y la oficina, pero puede esperar que cueste entre 105 SEK y 125 SEK al día.

¿Tendré que pagar si se daña el parabrisas o cualquier otra ventana?

Se tratará de la misma manera que cualquier otro daño al vehículo.

¿Cómo obtengo la Protección para el parabrisas?

Si adquirió la Protección para el parabrisas, se indicará en su contrato de alquiler. El precio depende del vehículo que alquile y del lugar donde lo alquile. Pero puede esperar que cueste 30 SEK al día.

¿Qué ocurre si daño cualquier otro accesorio opcional que alquile?

Si se daña cualquier accesorio opcional, debe pagar el costo de reemplazo, o su costo de reparación estimado además de la tarifa de alquiler. Si usted es un consumidor y si puede hacer que sea probable que el daño no fuera en forma alguna su culpa, ni se deba a negligencia, usted no es responsable de esos costos.

¿Existe alguna ocasión en la que el exceso no se aplicaría?

Sí, el monto que paga no se reducirá si el daño fue ocasionado por:

  • Daño por agua o fuego que fue su culpa.
  • Conducir el vehículo sin el debido cuidado y atención
  • Conducir o usar el vehículo contraviniendo su contrato

¿Qué puedo tener que pagar si no tengo Exoneración en caso de daños?

Si el vehículo, las llaves, cualquier accesorio o cualquier documento del vehículo se daña durante el alquiler, a menos que pueda probar que el daño no fuera en forma alguna su culpa, ni se deba a negligencia, deberá pagar:

  • O bien el costo de reemplazo, o bien los costos de reparación estimados, lo que sea más económico.
  • Más nuestra pérdida de uso
  • Más una tarifa administrativa

Si usted es un consumidor y si puede hacer que sea probable que el daño no fuera en forma alguna su culpa, ni se deba a negligencia, usted no es responsable de esos costos.

¿Dónde puedo buscar información sobre los cargos que he pagado por daños?

Si encontramos daños, le cargaremos en su tarjeta el monto que tenga que pagar. A menos que nos haya pedido que le enviemos un recibo por correo postal o electrónico, podrá ver los detalles de este pago aquí WWW.AVIS.SE.



¿Qué productos reducen el monto que tengo que pagar si el vehículo se pierde o es robado durante el alquiler?

Si tiene una póliza de Protección contra robo (TP) y el vehículo es robado, el monto que puede estar obligado a pagar se reducirá a no más que el exceso establecido en su contrato de alquiler, lo que significa que pagará el costo de reparación o reemplazo o el exceso, lo que sea menor. Si puede demostrar que el daño fue menor de lo que dijimos, le reembolsaremos la diferencia. Si usted es un consumidor y si puede hacer que sea probable que el daño no fuera en forma alguna su culpa, ni se deba a negligencia, usted no es responsable de esos costos.

¿Cuánto es el exceso?

El exceso será de 7500.00 SKR. Para reducir el exceso aún más, puede comprar un producto de reducción de exceso.
¿Cómo obtengo Protección contra robo?

En la mayoría de los casos, la Protección contra robo se proporciona con el vehículo como norma. Si se incluye, se indicará en su contrato de alquiler y en su confirmación por correo electrónico de la reserva. Si no se incluye, el precio depende del vehículo que alquile y del lugar donde lo alquile. Pero puede esperar que cueste entre 15 SEK y 40 SEK al día.

¿Hay algún producto de reducción de exceso disponible para reducir mi exceso aún más?

Sí, Súper protección contra robo (STP) es un producto de reducción de exceso que reduce su exceso a cero. El precio depende del vehículo y la oficina, pero puede esperar que cueste 15 SEK al día.

¿Qué ocurre si pierdo cualquier accesorio opcional que me alquilen o si me lo roban?

Si se pierde o le roban cualquier accesorio opcional, debe pagar el costo de reemplazo además de la tarifa de alquiler. Si usted es un consumidor y si puede hacer que sea probable que el daño no fuera en forma alguna su culpa, ni se deba a negligencia, usted no es responsable de esos costos.
¿Existe alguna ocasión en la que el exceso no se aplicaría?
Sí, el monto que paga no se reducirá si la pérdida o el robo fue ocasionado por, o como resultado de:

  • Dejar las llaves en el vehículo
  • Pérdida o robo de las llaves
  • Usar el vehículo contraviniendo su contrato

¿Qué debo pagar si no tengo Protección contra robo?

Si el vehículo, las llaves, cualquier accesorio o cualquier documento del vehículo se pierden o son objeto de hurto durante su alquiler, podría ser responsable de pagar:

  • El costo de reemplazo
  • Más nuestra pérdida de uso

Si usted es un consumidor y si puede hacer que sea probable que el daño no fuera en forma alguna su culpa, ni se deba a negligencia, usted no es responsable de esos costos.

¿Dónde puedo buscar información sobre los cargos que he pagado por robo?
Si ocurre una pérdida o un robo, a menos que pueda probar que el robo no fue en forma alguna su culpa, ni se debe a negligencia, cargaremos a su tarjeta el monto que tenga que pagar.


Daños a personas y su propiedad

¿Qué debería pagar si lesiono a alguien mientras conduzco?

La cobertura de Responsabilidad civil ante terceros (TPL) se proporciona con el vehículo como norma. Esto significa que si tiene un accidente en nuestro vehículo y lesiona a alguien, incluyendo a cualquiera de sus pasajeros, o si daña cualquier cosa que les pertenezca, usted no tendrá que pagar nada de su costo. La cobertura de Responsabilidad civil ante terceros no cubre muerte ni lesiones que sufra el conductor de nuestro vehículo ni cualquier daño a artículos personales en nuestro vehículo.
¿Existe alguna ocasión en la que no se aplicaría la cobertura de responsabilidad civil ante terceros?

Si la ley nos exige que le proporcionemos cobertura de responsabilidad civil ante terceros, se aplicará la cobertura mínima requerida por la ley, pero nosotros, o nuestra aseguradora, podemos intentar hacer que nos pague nuestros costos si el accidente fue ocasionado por lo siguiente:

  • Por su incumplimiento del contrato (por ejemplo, permitir que alguien que no habíamos aprobado conduzca el vehículo mientras se encuentra bajo la influencia de alcohol, drogas o cualquier otra sustancia ilegal),
  • Por violar la ley
  • Como resultado de su negligencia o imprudencia.

 ¿Qué productos cubren al conductor del vehículo y los artículos personales en el vehículo?

El Seguro individual contra accidentes (PAI) cubre al conductor del vehículo en caso de un accidente. Reduce el monto que debería pagar en caso de un accidente a cero. El Seguro individual contra accidentes proporciona los siguientes beneficios:

  • Un máximo de 100,000 SEK en caso de muerte, pérdida de extremidades u ojos o discapacidad total permanente.
  • Un máximo de 100,000 SEK en caso de muerte, pérdida de extremidades u ojos o discapacidad total permanente.
  • Un máximo de 10,000 SEK para gastos médicos de emergencia relacionados directamente con el accidente.
  • Costos de asistencia médica y rescate (se aplican condiciones)

¿Quién proporciona el Seguro individual contra accidentes?

El Seguro individual contra accidentes es asegurado por CODAN FORSIKRING NUF. Deberá aceptar los términos y condiciones. Nuestro agente, Avis Europe Risk Management Limited retiene 20% del precio que paga después de que se deduce el impuesto sobre primas de seguros, como comisión.
¿Cómo obtengo el Seguro individual contra accidentes?

 Si adquirió el Seguro individual contra accidentes, se indicará en su contrato de alquiler. El precio depende del lugar donde lo alquile, pero puede esperar que cueste 25 SEK al día.
¿Puedo aumentar mi cobertura y reducir mi exceso?

Sí, el Súper seguro individual contra accidentes (SPAI) reduce su exceso a 0 SEK por reclamo y proporciona los siguientes beneficios mejorados:

  • Un máximo de 1.5M SEK en caso de muerte, pérdida de extremidades u ojos, o discapacidad total permanente.
  • Un máximo de 1.5M SEK para gastos médicos de emergencia relacionados directamente con el accidente.
  • Costos de asistencia médica y rescate (se aplican condiciones)
  • Equipaje hasta 10,000 SEK por vehículo, excluyendo cualquier artículo que haya alquilado a través de nosotros.

¿Está disponible el Súper seguro individual contra accidentes al alquilar cualquier vehículo?
Sí, puede adquirir el Súper seguro individual contra accidentes, independientemente del vehículo que alquile.
¿Cómo obtengo el Súper seguro individual contra accidentes?

Si adquirió el Súper seguro individual contra accidentes, se indicará en su contrato de alquiler. El precio depende del lugar donde lo alquile, pero puede esperar que cueste 40 SEK al día (25 SEK para PAI y 15 SEK para SPAI).
¿Qué deberá pagar si no tiene Seguro contra accidentes personales?
Si el conductor del vehículo se involucra en un accidente y se lesiona o fallece, no pagaremos sus costos. Si cualquier artículo personal en el vehículo se daña, se pierde o es robado, no pagaremos por su reparación o reemplazo.
Para su información, los pasajeros se consideran terceros y se beneficiarían de la cobertura de Responsabilidad civil ante terceros que se proporciona con el vehículo como norma.


Paquetes de protección

Deseo adquirir más de un producto de protección, ¿puedo obtener un paquete de protección?
Sí, ofrecemos:

  • El paquete de protección completa que incluye Súper exoneración en caso de daños por colisión, Súper protección contra robo, Protección para el parabrisas, Súper seguro individual contra accidentes y Asistencia en carreteras Plus. 

El precio depende del vehículo y la oficina, pero puede esperar que cueste entre 100 SEK y 200 SEK al día.


Productos de protección para terceros

Adquirí un producto de protección de un proveedor externo, ¿puedo usarlo?

Si decide adquirir cobertura de otro proveedor, tendrá que pagar nuestros costos completos. Es su responsabilidad asegurarse de que comprende los términos de cualquier cobertura que adquiera de un proveedor externo y para cualquier reclamo que haga. No podemos ayudarlo con su reclamación.



Normas sobre las tarjetas de crédito

¿Cuáles tarjetas de pago aceptan?

Aceptamos:Tarjetas American Express (excluyendo tarjetas American Express Traveller’s Cheque), tarjetas Diners, tarjetas de crédito Visa, tarjetas de débito Visa, tarjetas de crédito MasterCard, tarjetas de débito MasterCard y tarjetas de pago emitidas por Avis.


No aceptamos tarjetas Visa Electron, tarjetas Maestro, tarjetas Cirrus, tarjetas JCB, ninguna tarjeta prepagada, incluso con el logotipo de Visa o MasterCard, ni ninguna otra tarjeta que las anteriormente indicadas. No aceptamos tarjetas de pago digitales.


Políticas para tarjetas de débito

Aceptamos las tarjetas de débito Visa y MasterCard.

Drivers License

Do I need to bring my driving licence with me?
Yes.  All drivers must bring all parts of their valid driving licence with them.  They must bring both their driving licence and either an international driving licence or an official English translation, by a notary, of their driving licence for any of the following situations:

  • The driving licence was issued in a non-European country
  • The driving licence was issued in a non-Roman alphabet like Arabic, Greek, Russian, Hebrew or Japanese.

We do not accept digital driving licenses.

Is there a minimum length I must have held my licence for?
Yes.  All drivers must have held their licences for at least 1 year.  If a licence does not show the driver has held it for the minimum period, then they must provide evidence, such as one of the following:

  • Previous driving licences
  • A letter from their driving licence authority stating that they have held it for this minimum period.

Personal Accident Insurance

Public Liability and Property Damage

Public liability insurance is in accordance with the insurance laws of the country.  Customer may inquire at the time of rental for additional information of the benefits, conditions and acceptance.

Note: Some credit cards provide insurance coverage, with certain limitations, as a benefit of using the card to rent vehicles.  The customer is advised to contact the card issuer before the rental.  Any waiver must be discussed directly with the location upon arrival.

Additional Fees

No Show Policy
If you fail to rent and do not cancel your passenger car reservation there will be a fee of SEK 750.
You must cancel your van reservation at least 7 days prior to the rental to avoid a fee of 50% of estimated rental charges. If you fail to cancel your van reservation we will charge the entire amount of estimated rental charges.

Age Requirements

How old do I need to be to rent a vehicle?
To drive our vehicles, you and all of your drivers need to be at least 19 years old and have held a full, valid drivers license for at least 1 year at the start of your rental. A higher minimum age limit may apply to certain vehicles.

 I'm under 25, do I need to pay a young driver surcharge?

No, so long as you hold a full, valid driving license for at least 1 year.

Are there any maximum age restrictions?

No, so long as you hold a full, valid driving license for at least a year.

Fuel Policy

Should I bring the vehicle back with a full tank of fuel?
Yes. The vehicle will normally be supplied with a full tank of fuel. You must return it to us with the same amount of fuel it had in it when you picked it up,usually a full tank as shown on the factory-installed fuel gauge.  We recommend you fill up as close to the return location as you can on the return date, and keep the receipt to show us. If you don't return the vehicle with a full tank and you can't show us a receipt for fuel we will charge you.

Fuel Options

I plan to travel more than 160 kilometers, and want peace of mind, do you have a fuel option for me?
Yes, with Fuel Up Front you pay for a full tank of fuel, based on the manufacturer's stated fuel tank capacity for your vehicle plus our costs of refuelling the vehicle for you. Then you just return the vehicle with whatever's left in the tank (even if it's virtually empty) so long as the engine still runs.

How do I calculate the cost of Fuel Up Front?
Depending on where you're renting, this cost could be up to PLN 3.00 per liter below the average fuel price at the start of your rental period - as stated on this EU fuel index. However, you don't get a refund for any fuel you don't use, unless you return the vehicle with a full tank of fuel, in which case we will refund the Fuel Up Front charge.

Can I get Fuel up Front at any time?
No, if you want to take advantage of Fuel Up Front, you must ask for it during the booking process or when you pick up the vehicle.

I plan to travel less than 160 kilometers, do I still need to fill up?
Yes, often the fuel gauges still look "full", so we ask you to fill up the tank near the return location and show us a copy of the receipt.  If you don't have time to fill up the tank, or can't show us a receipt, we will apply EZ Fuel to cover our costs of refuelling the vehicle for you. 

What are my options if I don't return the vehicle full and haven't bought Fuel up Front?
Pay on Return will apply if you have driven more than 75 miles and:

  • Don't buy fuel up front
  • Don't return the vehicle with a full tank

How do I calculate the cost of Pay on Return?
We charge the average fuel price at the end of the rental period for Sweden - 
as stated on this EU fuel index. The price per litre will be stated on your rental agreement – plus a processing fee of 30%. This charge covers our cost of driving to the nearest petrol station at short notice, and potentially delaying the next customer’s rental.



Electric Vehicles

How much battery charge should I return an electric vehicle with?


You must return the vehicle with at least a 70% battery charge, or the same % battery charge as it had at the time of pick-up.

What am i charged if I fail to return an electric vehicle with the required 70% battery charge, or the same % battery charge as it had at the time of pick-up?

We charge a fixed amount dependent on the battery life showing on the factory-installed battery gauge. This is the Pay on Return rate. the amounts charged are set out below:

Battery Charge Fixed cost (inclusive of VAT)
If you return the electric vehicle with 70% or more battery charge. No Cost
If you return the electric vehicle with between 11%-69% battery charge. SEK 211.20
If you return the electric vehicle with 10% or less battery charge SEK 379.15

Charging Solution

Yes, when renting electric cars, a service called Northe is included. Northe brings together several charging operators in one solution. The solution can be used voluntarily by using the charging chip attached to the car key. With the charging chip, the electric car is charged at the charging stations associated with Northe, at market price plus an administration fee of 25%. If the charging key is not returned at the end of the tenancy, a fee will be charged. The customer will be responsible for all charging that is carried out until the lease is finally closed. This means that if the car is handed over outside opening hours, or in other ways which mean that there is a period of time between handing over and until the charging pad is in our possession, then the renter is liable for any consumption. If you would like further information, please contact one of our rental offices.

ID Requirements

Do I need to bring proof of identification?
Yes, you must bring:
  • The payment card that was used to make your booking. For some vehicles, two payment cards in your name will be required. One of these must be the payment card used to make your booking.
  • Photo ID featuring a recognisable photo taken in the last 10 years. We will accept your passport or driving licence if it contains a photo, a national identity card or any other form of government issued identification.
  • You may also need to bring proof of where you live. This could include a recent utility bill or bank statement. If your driving licence shows your address we will accept it as proof of your address.
Other requirements
Will I need to give a pre authorisation or pay a security deposit?
Yes, you must give us a pre authorisation on your payment card before we release the vehicle to you. A pre authorisation holds money in your account. If you wish to pay in cash, we will take a security deposit instead. 
What do I need to do to give a pre authorisation or security deposit?
You’ll need to give us a payment card in your own name that has enough money available on it. 
How much is the pre authorisation or security deposit?

The amount of the pre-authorisation taken on pick-up of the rental vehicle is calculated as follows:
(The vehicle rental price* + GBP 300 (or if applicable, the equivalent amount in your local currency) MINUS (Any sum you have already paid when making a "Pay Now" booking)

* The "vehicle rental price" includes the vehicle rental cost and all optional extras you've requested, calculated at the start of the rental based on the intended length of the rental. For the avoidance of any doubt, any "Pay at Location" amount you owe in relation to the vehicle rental (including any optional extras) will be included as part of the pre-authorisation and will be charged to you at the end of the rental (using the card provided for the purposes of the pre-authorisation, unless agreed otherwise).

** If you buy our "Fuel Up Front" product, we will reduce the GBP 300 (or if applicable, the equivalent amount in your local currency) by the amount we charge you for the "Fuel Up Front" product

The GBP 300 (or if applicable, the equivalent amount in your local currency) is included as part of the pre-authorisation in case we have to charge you at the end of the rental for any of the following:
i. costs to refuel the vehicle (where relevant);
ii. additional rental charges in circumstances where you fail to return the vehicle or any optional extras at the end of the agreed rental period (or to the agreed return location);
iii. any additional charges or fines you incur relating to your use of the vehicle (which we have been notified of prior to you returning the vehicle, which will include, for example, charges relating to traffic violations); and/or
iv. costs incurred as a result of exceeding any relevant mileage restrictions.
Where the pre-authorisation we take does not cover the charges you incur, we will request you make a further payment for the additional amounts owed.

Miscellaneous Information

Can I let anyone else drive?
Yes, but only if we have approved them.  You must not let anyone else drive the vehicle.

We charge a fee for every Additional Driver we allow to drive the vehicle. The price you can expect it to be SEK 40.00 a day per driver. 
All additional drivers must meet our age, driving licence and ID requirements.

If any additional driver is outside of our age restrictions, we will also charge a driver surcharge.

Do you offer a 'meet and greet' service?

Yes, in some of our airport and train station rental locations.
The 'meet and greet' fee is between 200.00 SEK and 400.00 SEK.
You must give us at least 24 hours notice to organize a 'meet and greet' pick up. We may be able to provide the service at shorter notice, but you will need to check with the Reservations team.

Can I pick up the vehicle outside your normal opening hours?
Yes, some airport and train station rental locations offer an out of hour's pick-up service where you can collect the vehicle and any optional extras outside the rental location's normal opening hours.

The out of hour's pick up fee is SEK 200.00.

You must give us at least 24 hours notice to organize out of hour's pick-up.

My rental has a mileage allowance.  I have driven more than the allowance, how much will I pay for excess mileage
There is no mileage allowance. Your mileage charge will be stated on your rental agreement.

Can I smoke in the vehicle?
You are not allowed to smoke in the vehicle. If we believe anyone has smoked in the vehicle during the rental period, a specialist cleaning charge of PLN 492.00 will apply.

Are there any roads or zones where I need to pay a fee before I can enter?
Yes, certain areas, such as highways have congestion charging zones meaning you need to pay a fee if you wish to drive in certain areas, on certain days and during certain times. In addition, there are toll roads and toll bridges which require you to pay a fee if you wish to use them. If you do not pay these charges before you enter such areas or use such roads or bridges, you will incur a fine. 

We recommend you check websites such as provide useful information.  If the rental location is in or near a restricted area, we will tell you about it when you pick up the vehicle.  We are unable to tell you about any other restricted areas.

I have been caught speeding, and didn't pay a parking charge, what will I have to pay?
You are responsible for all fines and charges issued as a result of you or your additional drivers using the vehicle. Fines and charges could include:

  • All parking fines or charges
  • Toll charges
  • Towing charges
  • Clamping costs
  • Traffic fines or charges
  • Speeding fines
  • And any other charges or fines

If a fine or charge is sent to us because you haven't paid a charge or complied with the law, we will take payment for:

  • Our adminstration fee of £30 for each fine or charge issued in the United Kingdom to cover our costs of dealing with the fine or charge, or
  • Our administration fee of between €24 and €45 for each fine or charge issued in any other country, which will be charged in the currency of the country where the fine occurred
  • Plus the fine or charge if we have to pay it

I've left the interior of the vehicle very dirty and made it smell. Will I be charged to clean it?
Yes, if the interior of the vehicle is especially muddy, dirty, stained or smelly, and our standard cleaning procedure will not fix it, you will be charged a Specialist Cleaning Charge of 1500 SEK.

Congestion Charges
Renting a vehicle from a location in the congestion area, you will be charged a daily congestion fee. You might also be charged a congestion fee, when renting from a location, which is located close to a congestion area if you will be driving in the congestion area. The daily charge varies between 30SEK and 60SEK and is paid upfront upon the check out. 30SEK daily is applicable for the Gothenburg area and 60SEK daily for Stockholm area. The stated Charges are excl. Taxes.
Locations with mandatory congestion fee

  • Stockholm Globen, Stockholm Klaraberg, Gothenburg City

Locations with possible congestion fee depending on your travel plans

  • Barkarby, Rissne & Södertälje

What happens if I break down because of a mechanical failure?
All our vehicles are maintained to the manufacturer's standards, and they're roadworthy when you pick them up so mechanical failure in our vehicles is rare. So long as you're using the vehicle in a country we've agreed to, we provide roadside assistance or recovery free of charge. You can only use our roadside assistance provider to help you. You'll find their contact details inside the vehicle.
What happens if I break down because of a non-mechanical failure or in another country?
You must tell us if you break down or have an accident. If you need roadside assistance, we will arrange this for you but you will have to pay for it. You will also be charged for any costs we incur getting the vehicle back on the road in the country of rental. This may include, but is not limited to:

  • Call out and recovery costs of around actual cost; ranging from 1500.00 SEK to 20,000.00 SEK
  • Repair costs
  • Loss of use
  • Repatriation costs
  • An administration fee of 0.00 SEK
  • Any costs to take you, and/or any of your passengers, to another location.
  • Electrical Charge for EV Vehicles (Where the cable is in working order)

What happens if I don't return the incident report form or European accident form?
If you are involved in an accident, or the vehicle, keys, any accessories, any vehicle documents or any optional extras are damaged, lost or stolen; you must complete and return an incident report form and if available, the European accident report form. If you fail to send them to us, we will charge you up to 17,500 SEK..


One Way Rentals

Can I pick up the vehicle from one rental location and return it to another?
Yes, some rental locations let you collect the vehicle and any optional extras from one rental location and return them to another.

How much is the One Way fee?
The price depends on the rental location. You can expect it to be between 400.00 SEK and 7500.00 SEK.

How do I get a One Way rental?
You can request a one-way rental when you book, or you can ask for it when you get to the rental location.
If you asked for a one-way rental when you booked, the fee will be included in your rental price.

How much will it cost if I did not request a One Way rental but return the vehicle to a different location?
You will be charged a one-way fee at the pay at location prices available on the day you return the vehicle.

Rental Options

The prices we give you for optional extras when you book will generally be the price you will pay. Exchange rates or other reasons beyond our control may alter prices.

Customers with disabilities

I have a disability, do you offer adapted vehicles?
No, regrettably, we do not currently offer specialty adapted vehicles at this time.

I have a disability, do you offer hand controls?

No, regrettably, we do not currently offer hand controls or panoramic mirrors at this time.

Popular optional extras to rent

I have small children, do you offer child seats?
Yes, we offer baby, infant, child and booster seats.  A baby seat is typically suitable for a child from birth to 12 months old and weighing no more than 13 kilos.  An infant seat is typically suitable for a child aged 9 months to 4 years old and weighing between 9 and 18 kilos.  A child seat is typically suitable for a child aged 4 to 11 years old and weighing between 15 and 36 kilos.  A booster seat is typically suitable for a child aged 8 to 11 years old and weighing between 20 and 45 kilos.

In some rental locations, we may arrange for a third party to fit the seat for you. But remember, it is always your responsibility to check the seat is fitted correctly before you drive away.

Please note: In Poland, all children must normally use a child car seat until they're 12 years old or 135 cm tall. 

How much are your child seats?
The fee for renting a seat will depend on where you're renting but you can expect it to cost between 100.00 SEK - 400.00 SEK per day.  
If the seat is damaged, lost or stolen, you will have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost between 500.00 SEK and 3500.00 SEK on top of the hire fee. If you are a consumer and if you can make it probable that the damage was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, you are not liable for such costs. 

I'm not familiar with the area; can I rent a GPS (satellite navigation system)?
Yes, we offer a couple of products which provide satellite navigation systems:
GPS - Device the fee for renting a GPS will depend on where you¿re renting - but you can expect it to cost 125 SEK a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you¿ll only be charged for a maximum of 10 days and get to use the GPS for the duration of your rental, up to 31 days.
If the GPS is damaged, lost or stolen, you'll have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost between 500 SEK and 1500 SEK on top of the hire fee. If you are a consumer and if you can make it probable that the damage was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, you are not liable for such costs.
Travel Companion Tablet - This provides a GPS service as well as other useful features you may need when travelling. The fee for hiring Travel Companion Tablet is 200 SEK a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you'll only be charged for a maximum of 10 days and get to use the device for the duration of your rental, up to 31 days. If the Travel Companion Tablet is damaged, lost or stolen, you'll have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost from 3200 SEK on top of the hire fee. If you can show the damage or loss was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, we will refund this cost to you.
Please note: In some countries, it is against the law to use a GPS that tells you where speed cameras are. If you plan to travel outside Sweden, you should check to see whether you can use our GPS as it will give you speed information.

Do you offer an audio tour guide service on your GPS?
No, unfortunately we do not offer an audio tour guide service at this time.

I want to be able to access the internet anywhere I go, do you offer a solution?

Yes, we offer a couple of products which provide access to the internet.
Mobile Wi-Fi devices - This provides 500MB data per day. We provide this service on behalf of a third party - so you will need to read and agree to separate terms and conditions with them. We'll give you these terms and conditions at the rental location. 

How much does Mobile Wi-Fi cost?
The fee for hiring mobile Wi-Fi will depend on where you're renting - but you can expect it to be 125 SEK a day.

If the mobile Wi-Fi device is damaged, lost or stolen, you'll have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost from 500.00 SEK to 1500.00 SEK on top of the hire fee. If you are a consumer and if you can make it probable that the damage was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, you are not liable for such costs.
If the mobile Wi-Fi device, the sim card or any mobile Wi-Fi accessories are damaged, lost or stolen, you'll have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost from 500.00 SEK to 1500.00 SEK on top of the hire fee. If you are a consumer and if you can make it probable that the damage was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, you are not liable for such costs.


Travel Companion Tablet - This provides 1GB data per day, as well as other useful features you may need when travelling. The fee for hiring Travel Companion Tablet is 200 SEK a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you'll only be charged for a maximum of 10 days and get to use the device for the duration of your rental, up to 31 days.


If the Travel Companion Tablet is damaged, lost or stolen, you¿ll have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost from 3200 SEK on top of the hire fee. If any Travel Companion Tablet accessories are damaged, lost or stolen, you'll have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost from 25 to 120 SEK on top of the hire fee. If you are a consumer and if you can make it probable that the damage was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, you are not liable for such costs.

Please note: In many countries, it is illegal to drive while using a handheld mobile phone, tablet or other communications device. It is your responsibility to drive safely and according to the laws of the country you¿re driving in.


Winter equipment to rent

I'm concerned about the road conditions, do you offer all-weather tyres?
Yes, if the rental location you're hiring from is in an area where it's illegal to drive without all-weather tyres at certain times of year, the vehicle will automatically be supplied with them-and the fee will be included in your rental fee or contract.

I'm going skiing, do you offer snow chains?
No, unfortunately we do not offer snow chains at this time. However all our cars come with studded winter tyres as required by law.

I have brought my own skis with me, do you rent ski racks?
Yes, some rental locations offer ski racks. You can expect to pay between 175.00 SEK and 625.00 SEK a day to rent a Ski Rack from us. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you'll only be charged for a maximum of 10 days and get to use the ski rack for the duration of your rental, up to 31 days.
Ski racks can't be fitted to all our vehicles, so you may need to upgrade if you need one. This may increase the price of the vehicle and any excess you have to pay.
If the ski rack is damaged, lost or stolen, you'll have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost 1250.00 SEK on top of the hire fee. If you are a consumer and if you can make it probable that the damage was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, you are not liable for such costs.
Please give us at least 24 hours notice if you want to hire a ski rack. If you need it at shorter notice, please call the Reservations team.

I've left my hands-free kit behind, do you rent them?
No, unfortunately we do not offer hands-free kits at this time.

I'm moving items, do you rent blankets?
No, unfortunately we do not offer blankets at this time.

I'm moving items, do you rent trolleys?
No, unfortunately we do not offer trolleys at this time.

Optional extras available to buy

I've left my USB charger behind, do you sell them?
No, unfortunately we do not sell USB charges at this time.

I've left my mobile charger behind, do you sell them?
No, unfortunately we do sell mobile charges at this time.

I want to charge my device in the car, do you sell car chargers?
No, unfortunately we do sell car charges at this time.

I've left my iPhone 5 cable behind, do you sell them?
No, unfortunately we do sell iPhone cables at this time.


I want to keep the vehicle for longer, what should I do?

If you want to extend the rental please contact us as soon as possible. At the latest, this should be before the end date and time on your rental agreement. Extra days will be charged at pay at location prices.

What happens if I don't extend the rental?

If you fail to extend your rental and are late returning the vehicle, we will charge you for an extra days rental plus a late return administration fee for each day or part of a day until the vehicle is returned.

the late return administration fee is 150.00 SEK.

Travel Into Other Countries

You are only allowed to use the vehicle in the below countries with prior approval from the Avis rental location you picked the vehicle up from:

  • Austria
  • Andorra
  • Belgium
  • Switzerland
  • Czech Republic
  • Germany
  • Denmark
  • Spain
  • France
  • Finland
  • Liechtenstein
  • Great Britain
  • Hungary
  • Croatia
  • Italy
  • Ireland
  • Luxembourg
  • Monaco
  • Norway
  • Netherland
  • Portugal
  • Poland
  • San Marino
  • Sweden
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia

If approval to travel to the above is granted a fee may apply. Please note that there are some vehicles which are not permitted to drive to some of the above countries, please contact the reservations team for further information.

Travel to the following countries for all vehicles is not permitted:

Albania, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Greenland Belarus, Cyprus, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Iceland, Kazakhstan (KZ), Kosovo (RKS), Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Corsica, Crete, Sardinia and any country outside continental Europe.

Any infringement or non-compliance with any of the above provisions shall entitle Avis Budget Group to terminate the rental agreement without notice or to withdraw from the rental agreement. Claims for compensation by the renter are excluded in such a case. Avis budget groups’ entitlement to compensation for any damage incurred as a result of the violation of any of the above provisions shall remain unaffected.

Please note that if you are permitted to take the vehicle outside of Sweden it is your responsibility to make sure you comply with legal requirements applicable in the relevant country/countries you travel in.

